If you’re searching for a therapist, chances are something has come up that feels overwhelming, unmanageable, or you may simply need some support through a difficult time. I work with individuals, couples, and people in relationships to provide a safe space for them to untangle their thoughts and feelings to reveal their needs, wants, and goals.

My goal is to help you along your journey, to help you reach your growth potential and help you to manage the stress your moving through to get there.

Individual work

Whatever it is you’re struggling with—we can work through it together. We often don’t have the time to sit down and examine the steps and choices that led us here. By making the time for therapy, we can sit and work through some of the challenges that have been on your mind: hurting you, haunting you, or confounding you.

 Therapy is a safe space for you to work through your stuff without judgement, in a confidential space, where you can talk it all through with someone that listens, cares, and will help you hold the space for all the challenges that you’re working through. I see all ages of individuals—from little people to seniors.

Gender Affirming and LGBTQ+

Have you decided that you or (a loved one) is feeling that their gender identity no longer fits them and they need support? I am here to help you on your journey – whether you’re transitioning or supporting someone who is. 

Perhaps, you’re realizing that you identify as other than hetero-normative, cis-straight. Whatever is coming up for you with your gender or sexuality (and they are not the same!), we can work to navigate your journey within a positive and supportive space. 


Whether you’re coming in to simply improve your communication—or deal with more intense challenges—such as infidelity or deciding whether to stay together or not—this is a safe, non-judgmental space I hold for both (or all) of you.

I often work with partners on various challenges, most notably on couples struggling with sexual issues that are placing their relationship on edge. From unmatched sex drives, to disparate sexual preferences, to opening up your relationship to new and exciting things; I am happy to walk through it with you and your partner to guide you through the ups and downs, while providing a balanced space for you to work through your feelings and manage conflict.

Open and Poly Relationships

What ever your relationship structure looks like—as a couple, a thrupple, or more—I can work with you and your partners to help you determine what everyone needs. We work on discover what it takes to make the relationships more communicative, transparent, safe, and secure for everyone within your relationship system. We can work together more effectively to continue to evolve your relationship dynamics into the partnership system that you all want and need with improved communication and positive coping skills.