You may email me directly at or feel free to call or text me at (408) 502-6689.

When you login to talk with me…

My therapy practice is currently online only. In the interest of your health, and those of others that I support, I will not be seeing people in person until I can find an absolutely safe way to have a therapy in one-to-one environment. Right now, that means video therapy is the easiest and most efficient way to keep us all safe. 

Seven tips for more effective video sessions

  1. Find a quiet, secure space where you can ensure that no one will over hear you, or walk into your space unexpectedly.
  2. Make it a comfortable space for yourself to sit for at least an hour; you don’t want any limbs falling asleep!
  3. Check your audio and use headphones or ear buds if you can (especially on Macs; echo is an auditory drawback).
  4. Light it up! Make sure there is adequate light on you, so that your face is clearly visible. You can test this right before entry into our session on the video.
  5. Show yourself. Studies show that people feel more connected if they can see one another’s hand gestures. I recommend sitting so that at least your arms and face are visible; then no gesturing gets lost in communication! Also, make sure your video lens is clear (no smudges) and working properly (you should get a preview before you join the call).
  6. Plug in! Make sure you have enough battery on whatever you’re using to video chat to make it through the call.
  7. Supplies. It’s helpful to have water nearby or tea for soothing your throat after lots of talking. And, in case you may need it; Kleenex nearby is always helpful too (just in case)!

Video session FAQs

  1. What service do you use for video telehealth sessions?
    I use a HIPAA compliant, secure telehealth software, Simple Practice. 

  2. What if I’m not at home, can I log in using my phone?
    Yes, totally. There is a simple Practice app that is free that you can download.
    And please don’t call me when you’re driving. We cannot safely have a session while you’re in motion. 

  3. How will I know what the link is?
    Simple Practice sends you a reminder five minutes before our telehealth session with the link to your email. If you have opted out of notifications, it won’t send you a reminder. However, if you lose the link or simply cannot find it; don’t worry! Just text me and I’ll send it to you ASAP.